(07) 3221 0093

Milton Weightlifting
Milton Weightlifting and the Queensland weightlifting community are welcoming encouraging, and professional. Getting involved with weightlifting in Queensland will bring many opportunities to achieve strength and fitness goals, create new friendships, and learn new skills.
Milton Weightlifting (established 2011) is affiliated with the Queensland Weightlifting Association (QWA) and has hosted many club and state level competitions, as well as Australian Weightlifting Federation (AWF) coaching courses. Club members compete in QWA and AWF sanctioned competitions, and are actively involved in supporting QWA and AWF events both as officials and administrators.
What is Weightlifting
Weightlifting competitions include two lifts; the Snatch, and the Clean and Jerk. Training is focused around improving lifting technique and gaining strength. Examples of basic strength training exercises include squats, pulls, and presses.
In a weightlifting competition, each competitor attempts the Snatch three times, followed by the Clean and Jerk three times. The heaviest weight lifted for both the lifts is recorded and added together to give a total score. There are other basic rules around timing, legal lifts, etc. Weightlifting is a bodyweight sport and lifters are ranked on their total score and body weight. Some competitions take into account other variables such as age (Masters), personal bests, number of successful lifts, etc.
Competition age categories include Under 15, Youth (U17), Junior (U20), Senior and Open, and Masters.
With regular training and good coaching weightlifting is a safe and comprehensive sport for improving:
Strength and power
Muscle tone and body composition
Endurance (including cardio respiratory function)
Confidence and self-esteem
Mental strength